Hunters View

Hunters View is a 22.5-acre redevelopment of a San Francisco Housing Authority property in the Hunters Point area of San Francisco. The project, acutely in need of improvement, was the first project selected by Mayor Gavin Newsom to be reconstructed under the City’s HOPE SF program. The project is a joint development between Hunters View Associates, the San Francisco Housing Authority, and the City’s Redevelopment Agency. Project design converted an isolated, disconnected neighborhood pattern and 270 public housing units to a traditional San Francisco grid street pattern with a mix of 800 units of market-rate and public housing with new sustainable infrastructure.

To avoid the need to relocate residents off site during construction, the project was designed in three phases. This required creative solutions in the infrastructure design to maintain existing utility services to residents, limit project cost, provide emergency service access, and maintain a habitable condition for residents through all phases of construction.

Carlile • Macy is working with a diverse project design team that includes developers, architects, landscape architects, dry utility, geotechnical, structural and mechanical engineers, as well as the Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority, the Mayor’s Office of Housing, and other departments.

Project Details

Client: The John Stewart Company
Date: 2007-Present
Location: San Francisco, CA

  • Dense urban infill with mix of market-rate and public housing, with 3 public parks.
  • Three-phased project which requires maintaining existing services to existing residents through first two phases of construction.
  • Steep site with average street slopes of approximately 17% and constructed on serpentine bedrock and designed for ADA accessibility.
  • Stormwater management program utilizing a mix of stormwater treatment which includes bioretention and rainwater harvesting.
  • Created and reconnected street system to City’s public street system.

Services Provided

  • Master planning of infrastructure including utilities, phasing, street layout and tentative mapping.
  • Surveying, including topography, project boundary mapping and final maps.
  • Lead consultant for infrastructure providing project management to a multi-disciplinary group of consultants for improvement plans.
  • Collaboration with architects and landscape architects in design of individual blocks including rainwater harvesting, grading, and ADA access.
  • Construction management for infrastructure.
  • Building development and site planning.