Carrillo Adobe Park

This proposed neighborhood park, part of the larger Creekside Village project, is home to Santa Rosa’s oldest structure, the Carrillo Adobe. The local landmark on the bank of Santa Rosa Creek is part of a significant archaeological site which includes historic and pre-historical resources. As lead consultant on the project, Carlile Macy guided the project team, which included representatives from local Native American and historical preservation communities, descendants of the family who constructed the adobe, a renowned adobe restoration architect, and archaeologist, environmental consultants, numerous City departments and state agencies, the private developer, and the neighborhood group through an exhaustive design development and entitlement process. The park plan, currently under design, includes several educational areas, stabilization and preservation of the adobe, low-water use meadow plantings, recreational lawns, picnic areas, and a segment of the cross-town creekside bicycle trail.

Project Details

Client: Barry Swenson Builder
Date: In Progress
Location: Santa Rosa, CA

  • Preservation and stabilization of a significant historic and cultural landmark
  • Development of interpretive and educational exhibits
  • Neighborhood-scale park amenities
  • Coordination with many special interest groups and agencies
  • Highly constrained and challenging site

Service Provided

  • Master planning and entitlements
  • Community workshops, neighborhood engagement, feedback solicitation
  • Landscape architecture, civil engineering, and land surveying services
  • Design development and construction documents